Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Being frugal does not mean being cheap

Sometimes people mistake being frugal for simply being cheap. I can't speak for everyone, but in my situation that is not the case. To me, being cheap means not willing to spend at all, or the very minimum to get a product or service. But being frugal means searching out the best possible deal, or getting something that is going to last. So next time someone calls you cheap, try to see if you really are or if you are just being frugal.


  1. I just had a similar conversation with my wife ... who accuses me of being cheap! I think frugal is a much better term!

  2. The Webster's Dictionary defines frugal as not wasteful; not spending freely or unnecessarily; thrifty; economical not costly or luxurious; inexpensive or meager. I agree these are not only good tactics, but smart, especially in today's economic environment. The problem is that being frugal goes against the free-for-all spending habits of America and over spending has become a serious problem. Keep up with the tips, we all could use a dose of frugalness.
