Saturday, January 2, 2010

Soap Saving

Here's a quick tip to help you get your money's worth out of a bar of soap -- get a soap saver bag. When the bar gets small, or starts breaking into pieces, you put what's left into this bag. After you accumulate enough pieces of soap you can start using the soap saver bag until that soap is gone as well. Now you've just stretched your bar soap budget by finding a way to use all of the soap from the bar.


  1. You can save even more money, but putting these soap pieces into an old stocking and tying off the ends. Recycling and repurposing.

  2. That is another great idea! Thank you for sharing that on my blog. I would not have initially thought about using old stockings as I am a guy.

    Using some type of soap saver is also great for travel size soaps (from hotels). When you check out of a hotel they throw the soap away. Why not keep it yourself and continue to use it at home. When the bar gets too small, put it into a soap saver bag or old stocking.

    Keep the great ideas coming!
